Meet Sian!

Pronounced ‘Sh-ar-n’ - it’s Welsh!

I started DWTYLIFE in my bedroom at the end of 2022. Heavily impacted by the world around me; I always felt a divide between how the world is portrayed in the media, and how I know it to be true. 

Intuitively, I have always known deep within that the world is a truly wondrous place - full of love, interest, passion and intrigue. Whilst modern-day life can feel daunting and gloomy at times, I have always believed that there are so many beautiful reasons to smile, and we can all choose a joyful life for ourselves.

After recognising this divide between my mind's perception and my heart's beliefs - I made a personal decision to close the gap.

I first set out to transform my own world-view; adopting a blend of techniques from the well-researched field of positive psychology, and some of the world's most ancient spiritual and yogic teachings. Falling in love with life became as effortless as it was delightful. I felt gratitude for what is, found joy in the ordinary, and held seemingly endless love for all beings.

It wasn’t always this easy. As a young adult, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, after many difficult years of struggling to live with mental illness. Only a few years into my mental health recovery I was then surprised with an emergency surgery and diagnosis of Crohn’s disease.

The challenges of both physical and mental health conditions felt insurmountable at times. It took me several years to find dwtylife, to find the things that helped me heal. This is why I am so incredibly passionate about what I do, and who I share this for.

My greatest purpose of this lifetime is to enable this innate and extraordinary transformation within others.

By sharing my practices, and holding space for others to be that which they already are; I imagine a world with boundless beauty, and a collective of individuals letting their own light shine.